Living as a leader is about being willing to choose what works for you and creates the most in life, regardless of what other people think, say and do. It’s also being willing to let other people choose what they need to choose, while never stop yourself from choosing what you need to choose, either.
Are you ready to no longer be a product of your past experiences, or of the attitudes of the people around you and just BE YOU – totally and joyfully?
If you are, here are my top 7 tips for creating it all with ease, kindness, and joy:
Being the Leader Tool #1: Make a demand to commit to your life
Demand of yourself every day to have allowance, to practice choosing, to be present, have gratitude and celebrate you. If you choose to change it, it will change. But you have to be willing to do whatever it takes, and change your “can’t, shouldn’t and won’t” points of view to “what else is possible?” points of view!
Being the Leader Tool #2: Interesting point of view – whose is it anyway?
Anytime any doubt comes up, or you feel hesitant, or stuck, or upset – whose point of view is that? Is it really yours? Or is it how your Mum feels about life? Is it how most people feel about their lives? Is it something you were taught that was true that isn’t? Is it really true for you (remember the heavy / light tool) or is it just an interesting point of view?
Being the Leader Tool #3: Ask Questions every day!
· What can I choose today that will allow me to keep moving forward right away?
· What else is possible that I have never considered?
· How does it get any better than this?
· What would be kind / nurturing / joyful for me to choose right now?
· What does my body require and desire of me and what does it desire to contribute to me?
Be the Leader Tool #4: Choose!
If something isn’t working, if you are going down the rabbit hole of judgment, ok cool, no problem. Choose it. And then you have another 10 seconds, choose again! If that choice doesn’t work, choose again. If something isn’t changing, make a different choice.
Being the Leader Tool #5: Give yourself permission to have it easy.
Do something that is fun for you. If you are not feeling great, be willing to ask questions, do something simple that adds to your life – put on bright clothes, listen to some nurturing music, stand outside in the sun for 5 minutes and just listen to your breathing.
Being the Leader Tool #6: Don’t give up and never give in!
Re-visit these tips, and use the questions consciously over and over until it becomes second nature to you. This is a different way of functioning you may need to give yourself some time. It’s not about getting it all right – spend 3 days on one tool and see what changes… Focus on gratitude for a week… pick one thing and indulge in it. There’s no right or wrong. Just as there is no right or wrong way to grieve, there is no right or wrong way to change things and live your life – it’s your life, choose what works for you!
Being the Leader Tool #7: Acknowledge you.
Take some time to notice what has changed in your life – without the filter of judgment. Is it possible you have actually created more than you think you have? Where is there ease in your life now that seems so natural to you, you might have forgotten that a few days or weeks ago it wasn’t an area of ease? Sometimes change does occur quickly and gently, and if we don’t acknowledge ourselves, we will miss the changes that have shown up for us!
Ease, freedom and joyful exuberance is part of living, if you choose it to be there – no matter what has occurred in your life. You truly can create whatever you desire. Use these tips to play with what would be fun for you to create in life. Where would you like to lead yourself today?