When you are being you, you aren’t fitting into what other people see as the right way to be. Your difference is not a wrongness. It is the gift you came into the world to be.
How are you a gift? When you show up as you, without trying to fitting in, and you stop looking for what’s wrong about you. When you give up believing you are wrong, you can begin to see what’s wonderful about you, you can have a true sense of gratitude for you and your life, and you can begin to be a contribution to creating greater possibilities for everyone. How does it get better than that?
You become a very real contribution to the world when you are willing to gift and receive without any judgements, expectations, projections, separations or rejections - of you or the other person.
Learn to Receive Gifts… including the Gift that YOU are!
Are you always the giver? How are you at actually receiving? When someone gives you a present, do you find it easy to receive? Do you receive it with the open joy of a kid, or do you wonder what you have to give in return to make it acceptable? What if you didn’t have to keep computing the value of things all the time and just receive with gratitude?
What are you willing to receive more of this year? Is receiving a physical gift different to receiving the gift you are? Not really. Have you made physical gifts more valuable than the beauty and brilliance of you? What if you could receive the things in life, AND receive the gift you are too, just by being here?
We are not taught to prioritise liking ourselves, being grateful for us, or having a sense of peace and ease with ourselves. We are taught to believe that it’s not valuable, and the valuable thing in life is what you can get, what you can do, and whether or not the people around you judge you favourably. What if this Christmas, the true gift was realising that the ‘get, do and judge’ paradigm is not real, and step into a kinder way of being in the world – that starts with you never judging yourself again?
The Gift of Non-Judgement and Gratitude
What if you could be so at ease with yourself that it didn’t matter what your family did or anyone else around you said or thought about you? What if you could just receive the judgments of others like a breeze going by, and let it flow on past?
Whatever you are not willing to receive stops you from receiving the things you most desire… it stops you from receiving love, money, ease, magic, possibilities… and so much more! If you’d like to change this, start being truly, deeply grateful for you. All of you, not just the pretty, shiny parts that you already know are likeable!
Being the gift of you is a reality-changer. So instead of worrying about getting everyone you know the ‘right’ gifts or stressing about how much money you are spending on them, ask these questions and see where it can lead…
> What gift can I be to myself and the world today?
> Who can I contribute the gift of non-judgement (gratitude) to?
> What can I be and receive that will allow me to be happier today?
How do you know who the ‘real you’ is? Look at you through the eyes of an animal. When an animal looks at you, they see the real you, without the filters of all the ways you have made yourself wrong. That’s why we love puppy-dog eyes so much! They are the eyes of non-judgement.
What if you would be grateful for you? Is this the greatest gift you can be to the world this Christmas (and every day?)