By asking for the ease to show up, I was clear that having a nurturing space for myself was essential.
When I was physically caring for someone, I made a demand that I would get my Bars run and that I would have Access Consciousness® bodywork done weekly, so that my personal health and wellbeing was taken care of.
Another really cool tool I used a lot was to uncreate and destroy my relationship with myself, in relationship to me, and also with every person I was working with, every day. That created so much more ease as we would then be functioning from the energy of the moment, rather than past reference points or memories of how things used to be. Every day could be a fresh choice for creating what would work for everyone.
So it’s not necessarily about having to have the same life you always had before. A lot of people almost grieve the loss of the life they had before they were caring for someone as their life can become quite different.
If you are having a sense of grief for what you have ‘lost’, then it is time to ask questions. “What choice am I making here? Is there another way for this to be that will work for me and the other people involved? What can I add to my life that will make it fun for me?”
You have to be aware that if you lose your joy of living just because someone else is dying, it doesn’t work for anybody. If you lose your joy, what does that contribute to the other person? Nothing at all. It solidifies what is and there’s no choice available when you are in the conclusion of ‘this is just how it is.’
What questions could you ask and what could you change that would allow you to love your life today?
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