What if I told you that magic is a choice?
Magic isn’t just something that comes to us randomly if we are lucky. Magic is something we can create, in any moment or situation.
True magic begins with the acknowledgement that everything you are doing creates a multitude of gifts in your life – even the mundane “necessities” of life.
I was recently provided with the perfect playground to explore this, as I’m about to move house. Anyone who has experienced moving, knows there are a whole bunch of activities required to make it happen, many of which are commonly viewed as exhausting, frustrating, time-consuming and enough to make us want to cry and tear our hair out!
In the past, moving house was stressful. This time around, in the process of clearing, cleaning and packing up, I’ve created a shift in perspective that has allowed me to acknowledge the magic that I and my choices are to my life and living. Yes, even as I have approached the daunting task of finding out what I stored under the house for the last decade!
I made the choice that no matter what, I’d so something each day towards the move, and see how much ease I could create for myself. I’ve found that, rather than become exhausted, I’ve got lots of energy. A lot of that energy has come from the acknowledgement of what I am creating as I re-evaluate, sort and move stuff on that I don’t require any more. I am noticing how exciting it is to create space, and allow for new information and things to come into my life as a result.
I became grateful for the doing of this ‘necessary’ activity. And rather than get stuck in the story of, ‘I have to, I’ve got to…’ I’ve had an increasing sense of wonder, asking myself, ‘What can I achieve today to create more ease and joy for me and my future, right away?’
So here is my little invitation to you…
What if the magic of creating your life included all the being and doing you may not have identified as ‘joyful’? What if you challenged all the usual narratives, thoughts, feelings and emotions that create the experience as a problem or nuisance by asking, 'What contribution is this to my life that I’m not acknowledging?'
When you don’t have the automatic story or assumption of something being difficult or problematic, what gift can it become?
Next time you are running errands, hanging the laundry, cooking a meal, or doing any of the mundane tasks of life and living, what if you took a moment to ask, ‘What contribution is this in my life that I’m not acknowledging? What gift is my choice to do this creating in my world… and for those around me?’
Notice, as you ask to acknowledge the magic of the things you thought were mundane, how your experience can transform in interesting ways.
When you are willing to have and create the magic, even in the mundane, annoying and supposedly ‘necessary’ tasks of life, you can have the magic in everything and anything. Imagine living your entire life as a magical creation. What would that be like? And what can you choose today, to create it right away?
The magic and joy of living can occur no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing. It really is your point of view that creates. How truly amazing and potent we are!