Have you noticed that when you are in nature, having fun, things are easy? And when things are solid, heavy and contractive, they are problematic and hard? That’s because what is true for you is always the lightness, and what isn’t true, what doesn’t work in your life, is the heaviness and contractive energies.
With everything you hear, see and even with everything you say, start asking:
- Is this actually true for me?
- Does this feel heavy or light?
If it’s light, it’s true - for you! If it’s heavy, it’s actually a lie and not true for you.
Be aware that what is true for someone else might not be true for you, and vice versa. We are all unique and different, so doesn’t it make sense that different things work for different people?
Play with light and heavy – use it with things that you read (does what you read feel light to you, or heavy? Which part is true for you? Which part isn’t?), with what people say, and with what you hear on the radio or news. Even with the information in these posts!
What is light for you?
What is true for you?
What do you know and what can you acknowledge about what is true for you and what isn’t?
Anything interesting, make sure to write it down so you can look back at it later and keep acknowledging what is true for you!