We are cute. We make things ‘more’ real if they feel dense. Just because it’s intense or dense does not make it real. In fact it’s the opposite. This is a case of “Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be.” The ease is in the space, not the intensity.
So how do you have more ease? You ask! “If I was living my life with so much more ease what could that look like?”
Most people don’t have a reference point for ease. What if ease is a space of no judgement? Which is rare in situations where someone has died. Mostly there is a lot of judgement about how wrong it is that they died. What if it’s not wrong?
What can you be and do different today to be an invitation to a totally different possibility? What reality would you like to create? Do you want to continue the same reality that most people have? Or would you like something different?
And if it is something different – What are you willing to be that would be that different? It doesn’t have to be something huge. The subtlest things can create the biggest changes. Here’s an example from a client:
“I remember when my dog was dying and I would come and visit you with the dog, and it was amazing for me, because I had never had anyone put in my universe that it was even possible to have the points of view you did. That was the first time I had ever seen it.
So for me, even though I was still sad, I just knew it was all going to be okay. And that was really different because, until then, there had been quite a lot of trauma and drama and I would say resistance and refusal in my family about death. It was almost like it didn’t exist.
I’m so grateful that you showed me there was a different reality. Because you had so much ease with me and with my dog, it gave us both something totally different. What you were doing with me was not complicated. You were just being you and showing me a different energy. That was all. And when I say that was all, it was major for me and probably tiny for you, because it was just normal for you.”
Is it really possible? YES! It is possible to have something going on, and also live your life at the same time. People think that these things have to be draining. But what if they don’t? What if actually they can be a contribution? What contribution can this be, that could actually change everything?
Even though they might not be physically right here next to you, energetically there is still a relationship there. What contribution are you willing to receive with ease? I know when my Dad died and just before he died, I received such a contribution. He gifted me such a contribution and it continues. And my Mum is still gifting me such contributions of awareness too. How much more ease can you choose?
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