If this is you, a great question to start asking is: “What’s right about me I’m not getting?” and see what else can show up.
I have a friend whose family always called her over-sensitive. What she discovered through Access Consciousness® was that she wasn’t over-sensitive, she was just really, really, really aware. And the difference between those two things is enormous. She didn’t’ have to judge what she thought was a problem about her, and could see instead that it was actually a huge capacity!
She went from thinking “Everything I am and do is wrong,” to going “Oh! I’m just aware. Oh, they’re being mean again. I’m just aware of it.” She developed the capacity to be in acknowledgement of who she is, rather than judging herself as wrong for every single thing that showed up that other people didn’t agree with or like about her.
There’s an energy of contribution available when you receive who and what you are. For example, you are reading this because I am willing to acknowledge what I did differently with my parents dying and with other people who have experienced life-threatening illnesses, that was more ease-filled, peaceful, joyful and gratitude-filled than many other people had experienced.
If I judged myself for being different, I would not be talking about these possibilities publicly. By being willing to acknowledge how different I am, and that there was no wrongness, it’s just a different choice, I have been able to create a space and an invitation for other people to choose something different too. If I hadn’t been willing to acknowledge that I am different, and that what I have to offer is a gift, those other possibilities might still not exist. If you are judging you, you can’t see the gift that you are that contributes to the world, and you will not let the contribution you can be exist out there, where it is required and desired!
There’s so much more expansion in being willing to acknowledge you. It opens up so many doors and different possibilities for you to tap into and explore. It gives you a space to actually be you, and to enjoy being you! It also is a huge invitation for people to be themselves too.
What if, for every time you thought you were wrong, you asked “What’s right about me I am not getting?” instead and see what else could show up in your life that might be fun for you?