Health-care workers can be the worst perpetrators of this!
When I was caring for my mother as she was dying, it was so important for me to take time to care for my own body, to spend an hour each day nurturing and caring for me, connecting in and checking in with my body, and also the beauty around me. This allowed me to connect with the sense of peace, calm, joy and gratitude that is available in every moment.
It’s not difficult to connect with and begin nurturing your body, and if you do, you will discover that caring for your body is one of the most nurturing and dynamic gateways for living life with greater ease and joy.
Here are two really great tools to rediscover the joy with your amazing body. I recommend you start doing this regularly. You will be amazed how much change you can create if you make this commitment.
TOOL #1: Rediscovering the joy of your body
It is time to start asking your body some questions, and let it contribute to you?
When you wake up in the morning, touch your arms, your stomach, your face, gently and just connect in and say “Hi.” Acknowledge it is there, and it is there with you. You might even being to thank it for being with you despite all the judgment you have heaped on it or the ignoring you have done of it. What if you could start to be grateful for your body anew in this moment?
Start tapping into your body every time you are making a decision that involves your body. Ask:
- If your body was talking to you now, what would it say?
- What would it request or desire of you?
- If it’s constantly aching, tired, or restless what is it asking for?
- What food or drink does it desire? Does it actually desire food or drink, or something else?
- What would it like to wear today?
- What does your body desire to contribute to you that you haven’t been willing to receive?
- What are you grateful for about your body that you haven’t acknowledged?
For everything that involves your body, start asking your body what it would like. It may take a while to start speaking the language of your body, but just start, and it’ll get easier, and more fun!
Tool #2: The One Metre walk.
This is practice for being present with your body and your surroundings.
Go somewhere where you can have some space and not be disturbed, you are about to go for the slowest walk of your life! Take one step, and then stop. Start taking notice of your body and your surroundings as you stand there. Your posture, the feeling of the ground underneath your feet. The air on your skin, your clothes on your skins. What smells, sounds, vibrations are you aware of? Is it different if you open or close your eyes? – What can you notice and acknowledge about you, your body, and the environment around you that you have never noticed before? How much can you notice around you before taking another step? How long can you stand in one spot and keep noticing more and more things?
If you got back to the same place twice, what different things can you notice from last time? You will be surprised how much we miss when we aren’t truly being present with us and our bodies in our lives.
Enjoy playing with these and remember – nurturing your body will allow you to nurture others with far greater ease. For what reason would you not want give yourself, and everybody else, that wonderful gift?